The Femme Oasis

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Venus Retrograde

The Stars Look Over Me | Utsah Pandey

Be wary of this Venus retrograde. It can summon old flames, bring a flying romance to a screeching halt, or provide some great perspective. I have a story for you. Maybe it’s the definition of star-crossed, or maybe doomed to begin with, but it all played out beneath them and the stars bore witness.  

His message began with “I think we end up together,” shortly followed after, “I know that’s a lot.” She just sat there, on the other side of the world, in disbelief. “I think you’re gonna date a few people and I’m gonna date a few people, but in the end, once I’ve figured out all I need to, we’ll end up together.” Willing to give herself in exchange for words rather than for actions, she said “that doesn’t sound too bad.”

She kept giving. She told me that by the end of it, she felt like she’d given away all the love that was in her to give. She told me that he couldn’t love her in every phase of the moon, only in those that made him feel strong. A love that was inconsistent was not one she could stand. This happened time and time again, lasting for three weeks of kindness and love, and then a month or more of silence. This went on for almost two years.

She eventually walked away from him for good. She didn’t speak to him for half a year, but this week, in the heart of the Venus retrograde, he reached out. He told her that he was working on himself, and that he was better and wanted to apologize for the way he treated her. She told me that she didn’t have any negative or positive feelings toward him. She said she had one fear; a quiet whisper from almost a year ago: “Once I figure out all I need to, we’ll end up together.” She told me she was sure he’d forgotten all about that message; that he probably sent it, forgot it, and never thought of it again. But even she wasn't immune to her ruling planet’s retrograde. What if somewhere there was a cosmic plan she wasn’t aware of? What if that message really was foreshadowing? Was it written in the stars, or just by man?  I asked her if that was what she wanted: Was she still holding out hope? She smiled and told me “no.”

Even when lost loves are no longer meant for us, retrogrades like these can make us miss the past. What’s important is that we remember that what we miss are memories, no longer reality.