The Femme Oasis

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Journey Series: Alexandria Greene

The Femme Oasis: How do you identify yourself (gender and gender performance)?

Alexandria: I identify as feminine female.

TFO: What is your current occupation?

A: I currently work at an all inclusive preschool, as a member of a behavior staff team.

TFO: What do you do as a hobby?

A: In my free time I’m usually filming, editing, and uploading videos to my YouTube channel.

TFO: What are some organizations you’re involved in?

A: I am a proud member of Alpha Kappa Alpha and various academic honor societies.

TFO: What is your dream job?

A: My dream job is somewhere between being a full time school guidance counselor and a well known Youtuber. I aspire to do both and find a healthy balance but I’m open to wherever life takes me.

TFO: What are the three major stressors in your life?

A: I personally tend to get stressed very often. The main sources for me would be worrying about future endeavors, being a perfectionist about most things in my life, and what feels like a consistent lack of time.

TFO: How do you cope with your stresses (if at all)?

A: In order to cope with my stress, I usually listen to music, read, and pray.

TFO: Do you have goals you set for your life overall?

A: I have various goals for myself and certain ages I want to achieve them by. It's honestly what drives me day by day...knowing that I am getting closer to them every second.

TFO: What is your process in achieving these goals?

A: I make lists in which I start off small with short term goals, and use them as stepping stones toward my long term goals. This method eliminates large amounts of stress and makes tracking your success easier.

TFO: What is your daily mantra (if you have one)?

A: Persistence is key.

TFO: Are you happy where you are in life?

A: Yes, I feel very proud and grateful to be where I am in life. I am a college graduate pursuing my second degree in the fall and helping young children everyday. I’m trying to make the best out of each day that I am blessed to spend on this earth because tomorrow is never promised.

TFO: Are you on a path you feel is right for you?

A: The path I’m on feels perfect for me. While I was prepared for a completely different course life rerouted me in a direction that feels amazing. And I must say I’m happy with the current destination.

TFO: Do you feel confused or pressure to figure out if you are on the right path?

A: No, I believe there is no “right path” for myself…there is the final destination and pit stops. As long as I am healthy mentally, physically, and spiritually everything will fall into place.

TFO: Do you feel you can alleviate these hindrances or do you feel they are bigger than you?

A: Although I feel very content with the path I’m taking I have reached roadblocks or hindrances that have had the potential to be bigger than me and I feel the best way to conquer them is to be persistent.

TFO: What are some pressures of society you wish didn’t exist?

A: Specific age brackets to do certain things in life (i.e., start a family, graduate college, etc.).

TFO: What would be one thing you don’t have but you want at this very moment (it can be tangible or intangible)?

A: Financial freedom.

TFO: What do you do for self-care (if anything)?

A: I do things that make me feel good both inside and out. I pray and try to stay in a positive state of mind. However, I also keep up with my physical appearance meaning keeping my hair presentable, consistent manis/pedis, and wearing makeup when I feel like it.

TFO: What is something you do well that you can offer society?

A: I think I have a natural ability of helping people through their problems as well as being great with children. With these two abilities I think I would be an awesome counselor or a child advocate.

TFO: Do you have goods or services you want to sell or promote to your fellow femmes and women?

A: I currently have a YouTube channel that I spend a lot of time on. My following is growing slowly but surely and I would love for anyone who is reading this and feels they can relate to me in any way to subscribe to my channel.

TFO: Where can we find you (social media, email, organization etc.)?

A: YouTube: “Alexandria Greene“  Instagram: @AAMG.XI