Taking Risks to Further Your Career

Move Forward | Bell Favakeh

It can be easy to sit back and coast through your job. Some days it may sound really appealing. However, if you start feeling restless or you have dreams and ambitions that are bigger than where you are, you need to start thinking about what you can do. Change is scary. Taking risks with your livelihood can be a terrifying prospect. But when you are ready, you are ready.

Taking risks with your livelihood can be a terrifying prospect. But when you are ready, you are ready.

Sometimes you just have to jump in with both feet.

No one wants to be at the end of their life wishing they had done things differently. Start by mappping out a plan. What is it going to take for you to reach your career goals? Do you need to move to a new city? A new state? Write out a list of the things you’ll need to do to make that happen. Maybe you just need some more (or new) training? Go back to school. Take a certification course. Get a degree. Do what you need to do to give you the training you need.

It sounds extreme, but quitting your job could be the push you need. If you can do it financially and it is the best motivator for you get going in the right direction, then quit the job you hate and find another.

No one wants to be at the end of their life wishing they had done things differently.

Perhaps those options are a little too much for you. It isn’t always easy or financially viable to just drop everything and move, go to school, or to be unemployed while you explore other options. Try some other less risky solutions. Take work assignments that are outside of your comfort zone. If your supervisor asks you to do something you do not feel particularly skilled at, take this as an opportunity to learn something new. Develop a new skill that might help you advance in your career. If you can not leave your current position, take on a side job. Gain new skills or just spend time doing something you really enjoy through part-time work.

There’s always going to be risk associated with change. Take those risks and face the challenges head on. Your happiness and career are worth it.