Hot Chocolate Spell

Cup of Luck | Rachel Bishop

Often when people think of witchcraft or magic they think of elaborate ceremonies, rare ingredients or long-spoken spells. Magic can in fact be very simple; almost any mundane object, place, or activity can be modified slightly to fit in with your craft, regardless of religion, alignment, or practices. The kitchen is one of the easiest places to start with simple everyday magics. Almost every spice, herb or plant has some magical connotation. To demonstrate how easy and commonplace magic is, here is a simple spell for luck. The only ingredients needed are whatever you use to make hot chocolate, a mug or pot, honey, cinnamon, nutmeg, and something to stir with.

Almost every spice, herb or plant has some magical connotation.

Start by drawing your favorite sigil for luck or positive energy on the bottom of your mug or pot with honey. After this, you can begin making your hot chocolate as you normally would. Add a pinch of cinnamon and a pinch of nutmeg, both of which are known to bring good luck and taste great in hot chocolate. Stir three times clockwise for positive energy and enjoy your beverage!

Cinnamon can be ingested or put in spell bottles or pouches or any other variety of vessels to promote divination magic, protection and counter curse spells, or to bring peace and prosperity and money as well as luck.

Of course, this isn’t the only thing you can do with these ingredients. Cinnamon, for example, has many uses. It’s a popular incense with purifying properties, it can be ingested or put in spell bottles or pouches or any other variety of vessels to promote divination magic, protection and counter curse spells, or to bring peace and prosperity and money as well as luck. Some other fun things to add cinnamon to in the kitchen are coffee, cookies, and of course cinnamon rolls, but anything you find palatable after adding cinnamon is fair game of course!

Nutmeg is more specifically attached to luck, but there are plenty of interesting ways to use it. Carrying a whole nutmeg seed wrapped in colored string or fabric of your choice – for example, green fabric is commonly associated with luck - is said to bring luck in games of chance or even help with legal matters, although one should augment with magic rather than depend on it in most matters, particularly legal and medical. Its oil can be used in candles, again for luck, or you can use the powdered form in any spell that can use a bit of luck.

Magic is about what things represent to you, so don’t be afraid to experiment!

Honey is useful for most everything, sweetening spells such as those made to make friends, receive a promotion, a binding agent, whether it be keeping a relationship together or a binding countercurse. It’s also a popular offering!

And even if you’re a rare case and don’t own one or more of these ingredients, they can be picked up cheap at any food store. A simple internet search on any ingredient you want to use will show you its properties. However, at heart, magic is about what things represent to you, so don’t be afraid to experiment!