Saving Bank to Make Bank

Penny Princess | Natashna Anderson

Money. It’s fun to make and even more fun to spend. There’s a lot of financial freedom in having a full-time job, where you earn your cash and spend it however you want. A friend of mine once said, “Being a kid was great, but you know what? I like making money. I like spending it how I want and not how my parents want.”

There’s a lot of financial freedom in having a full-time job, where you earn your cash and spend it however you want.

But occasionally, people go too far with this mentality. There are a few people out there who have only $3,000 in their bank account but manage to spend $4,000 a month. Now they’re in the red, and it’s serious business.

Sound familiar? Be honest now.

It’s important to live life. Making money allows you to live your life how you please. However, there is such thing as too much of a good thing. When you spend past your limits, it makes way for a lot of bad things. Things you can’t just shake off and hope they go away (unless you hit that lotto). Which brings us to the main question: how are you going to get your finances in order.

Don’t worry, young grasshopper, there are many ways.

Take a look at your rent, how consistent your electric bill is and your groceries, and then see what that adds up to.

Before you embark on your path to saving redemption, take a look at your previous statements. Figure out just what the hell you’re spending your money on. Take a look at your rent, how consistent your electric bill is and your groceries, and then see what that adds up to. These are the big items, the dues that you need for your basic comforts. The total shouldn’t be higher than your salary and shouldn’t fluctuate much.

Then there’s the frivolous spending. This part is kind of like standing in front of the mirror naked — everything’s out in the open. If you want to start cutting back, you’ll need to have an honest look at where the extra cash is going. Maybe you’re eating out too much or treating yourself to lattes so much that it starts being a problem. Or maybe you have been tempted by one too many fall sales that popped up in your favorite stores.

Resist the temptation to jump on those sales (it’s hard, we know).

Cut back on the lattes. Start bringing your own lunch in. Resist the temptation to jump on those sales (it’s hard, we know). These are small things that you can do and they will help you save in big ways.

But if you want to maintain your lifestyle, there are ways to do that as well. This is the generation that knows how to get the side gigs, and you can get in on it. Bartend, walk dogs, babysit, write on the side—all money-making gigs, all perfect to fit into whatever schedule you want.

Now go ahead. Save. You’ll thank us later.