What Virgo Season Means for Your Love Life

Mighty Maiden | Utsah Pandey

Summer winding down into September means school starting, pools closing, fall on the horizon and - ­most importantly – it’s Virgo season.

Virgos are practical, hard-working, intelligent, organized and use all these qualities toward being perfectionists at whatever we do.

Relying on intuition isn’t something that comes naturally to Virgos, because of the importance we place on logic and reason.

This Virgo season was ushered in by the sun traveling into the sign with the end of August. This, according to astrology.com, makes the practical and methodical qualities in a Virgo even more prominent. While this can strengthen our productivity in most aspects, our love lives could take a hit.

During this time, Virgos will be hyper vigilant and even more attentive to details, so it’s important to keep things in perspective and be careful of an exaggerated overly critical nature. Before diving deep into dissecting what seems like an off-kilter comment from your partner and assigning meaning to small acts and words, remember to be realistic about how much importance such things can actually have in your relationships.

Mercury is also in our sign during Virgo season, which heightens our reliance on facts.

As September rolls in, we get a little bit of help from a new moon in our sign coupled with all planets in feminine signs. This points to a reliance on intuition, according to astrology.com. Relying on intuition isn’t something that comes naturally to Virgos, because of the importance we place on logic and reason. Sometimes, in our heads, a gut a feeling isn’t a good enough reason to make a decision. But we all have gut feelings for a reason, so it’s important not to fight against this moon-inspired trend too much especially as our analytical traits are aggravated.

So when you get a wordy text from your boyfriend or sense a cold shoulder from your girlfriend or crush, rather than analyzing every word or motion, try and get in tune with what the intuition you bury is telling you. If your content outlook on your current romance doesn’t waiver then don’t pay that ellipses too much attention. If you get a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach when they turn away from you in bed, then it may be time to face whatever you feel is bubbling under the surface.

Mercury is also in our sign during Virgo season, which heightens our reliance on facts. Use this to your advantage by getting straight to the point and cutting through some of those dating games. However, you should be aware that being too methodical can seem like the antithesis of romance and can, therefore, be off-putting.

While you enjoy Virgo season, remember that some of the qualities that make us strong have a time and place and romance often needs more attention since you’re directly dealing with other signs in an intimate fashion. Don’t analyze too much, trust your gut and stop to smell the roses when you can.