Zodiac Neighbors: Unusual Affinity Between Libra and Virgo

Hidden Affinity | Carolina Malagamba

We are at the end of Virgo season and Libras just cannot wait to be at the center of the astrological spotlight! Although Virgos gravitate to more selfless and sensitive signs such as Aquarius and Cancer, Virgos’ attention to detail, innocuous personalities and general practicality may seem quite opposite to Libras’ spontaneous surges, nonchalant charm and abstractness but the two can balance each other out. Libras and Virgos tend to appreciate the company of other zodiac signs but they don’t quite know they share an unusual hidden affinity.

Libras and Virgos tend to appreciate the company of other zodiac signs but they don’t quite know they share an unusual hidden affinity.

Virgos often hold back their emotions and do not like to feel vulnerable but Libras are extremely open to expressing their feelings and with a bit of warming up, if Virgos are in the company of Libras, they will acquire the ability to accept and share their thoughts and feelings. Libras can lack self-awareness but that’s because their energy tank never hits bottom and they are so involved in making sure others are having as much fun as them. Virgos need that person who constantly checks up on them and is carefree enough for the pair. Defense mechanisms and timidity wane in the presence of Libras but if you’re a stubborn Virgo this might drive you miles away from the unfamiliar feeling of exposure.

Libras’ ideas and plans are very fleeting and although they may not recognize it themselves, they need a Virgo who is dependable and reminds them there are commitments and appointments they have to stick to.

We can’t ignore the fact that Virgos are Earth signs while Libras are Air signs; conventionally this would lead to conflict among the two opposing personality traits but as is often said opposites do, in fact, attract. Libras’ ideas and plans are very fleeting and although they may not recognize it themselves, they need a Virgo who is dependable and reminds them there are commitments and appointments they have to stick to. On bad days, air signs such as Libras can also get sucked in their overthinking habits and their worst enemy is another air sign that participates in the same exhausting cycle. Earth signs, particularly Virgos, will notice Libras’ insecurities and internal turmoils and distract them through kind gestures and lighthearted activities.

Astrologically, the combination of Virgos and Libras is associated with incompatibility. While that is a common assumption, the perseverance and extrovertedness of Libras defies the natural opposition if Virgos are willing to sacrifice their emotional comfort and accept that there is strength in the vulnerability of sharing feelings.

Whether Virgos or Libras are friends, lovers or family members, remember that the best approach to getting along is to understand one another’s boundaries while not being discouraged by them.