Questions To Ask For Your 5 Year Plan

Five is the number | Utsah Pandey

As adulthood becomes more and more apparent, there is one question that you will inevitably end up asking yourself. That question is: where do I see myself in my career in 5 years and even beyond? This is a common question that most young people will ask themselves. Once this question comes to mind, there are several other questions that should follow. Asking yourself the following questions will help you get focused and set you on the right path to achieving your ultimate career goals.

Question 1: What am I doing right now to reach my ultimate career goals?

It can be easy to get sidetracked with work, bills and more bills. But we must always remember that if we want that higher paying job or that executive position, we have to do things today to set ourselves up for tomorrow. Whether that means working extra hours or taking on extra work. Always keep the future in mind.

Question 2: What resources do I have to get there?

This can include company training courses, online college classes, or even just doing an online search to find out what steps to take to reach that ultimate career goal. Getting a mentor in your desired field will also benefit you. They can be a person whom you ask questions about what to do to get to the next level. They may also have connections in your desired field. Having a mentor allows you to gain useful insight on various aspects about where you want to be and how to get there.

Question 3: Does the job I have now set me up for the job I want?

If the answer is no, you may need to ask yourself a follow-up question. Should I change careers altogether? If you answered ‘yes’ to the last question, don’t panic. While you are at your current place of employment, you can look for a job that better aligns with what you want to do long term. In fact, it may be more beneficial to look for a job while you already have one because you will be able to take your time with your search.

Question 4: What personal resources do I have?

In other words, what are my strengths? What am I good at? What are my assets? Asking yourself these questions will help you zero in on your ideal job. Realizing what you are good at will help you land the career that you really want.

Question 5: What are my financial goals? What dollar amount am I trying to make?

I was told that as a rule of thumb, we should be making double our age in salary. So, add 5 years to how old you currently are and multiply that by 2. This should be a good starting point. Of course aiming for more is always fine. When I was a teacher, I would always encourage my students to reach for the stars. I encourage you to do the same.